27 Ekim 2012 Cumartesi

Never Be Silent on Twitter: 5 Ways
  1. Show that you are a friend to animals by including an animal-friendly link in your Twitter bio. Every time people click on your page, they will see the compassionate message!
  2. Be a trendsetter. Twitter has what are called "trending topics," which are the most talked-about topics on Twitter at the time. If you see a topic that you can relate back to veganism or animal rights, do so! Try to get your tweets into what is currently being talked about on Twitter.
  3. Tweet photos! From photos of fur farms to what really goes on in laboratories, photos can say a thousand words. Don't forget about tweeting photos of delicious vegan food, too! Next time you are dining at a vegan-friendly restaurant, tweet a photo of your compassionate fare for all your followers to see.
  4. We rely on our Twitter followers to help us expose cruelty to animals, and that involves retweeting our tweets (make sure that you're following @peta!). Speak up for animals by simply retweeting PETA's tweets about our latest investigations, vegan recipes, and celebrity support!
  5. Tweet the truth! Tweet with a link to our Ringling Bros. undercover investigative video, and urge your followers to support only animal-free circuses. Be sure to mention @RinglingTweets in your tweet! Additionally, you can tweet with a link to our "Glass Walls" video, and urge your followers to eat vegan meals.
Helping animals with Twitter is fun, but most importantly, it helps you never be silent about cruelty to animals! To stay up to date on all the latest PETA news, make sure that you're following @peta on Twitter. We'd love to chat with you!
P.S. The best way to stay informed about animal rights news and ways to take action is by joining PETA's Action Team today!

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