28 Ekim 2012 Pazar

Presidential Debate Vegs Out

Presidential Debate Vegs Out

Written by Michelle Kretzer
Presidential debate moderator Candy Crowley likes getting into meaty issues—but not into meat. Maybe it was her vegetarian diet that gave her enough energy to keep the candidates in line?
Newly vegan Kristen Bell doesn't miss an opportunity to advocate for animals—and she doesn't miss dairy products, either. "[H]onestly, there are so many good substitutes available now that I really don't miss anything," she told Shape magazine. Kristen also mentioned that as much as she loves sloths, she would never keep one because, she says, "I don't support the exotic animal trade."
Salma Hayek agrees. She told Jimmy Fallon, "I am completely against people having exotic animals as pets. This is completely, completely wrong." Gushing about her passion for rescue, she rattled off all the animals who inhabit her estate, adding, "See, I had no husband, no children. I only had my animals, and I'm not going to get rid of them just because I fell in love, and, you know, motherhood. "
Ben Stiller realizes that exotic animals don't belong behind bars, either. The funnyman got serious when asked how he feels about zoos, saying, "I used to be for it. Now I'm against it. I don't love zoos; I've taken my kids to them but I saw that documentary a couple of years ago, The Coveand that affected me in terms of knowing how these dolphins get into these dolphin parks. So I stopped supporting them." What else have Stiller and his family stopped supporting? The meat and dairy industries—Stiller and his wife, Christine Taylor, are vegan and are helping their kids embrace veganism, too.
The winner of RuPaul's Drag RaceSharon Needles, embraced flesh of the human variety for her Halloween-themed pro-vegetarian ad for PETA. Drag royalty Lady Bunny was one of the multitude of folks speaking up for animals on Twitter this week, posting her excitement about the new ad:
Leonardo DiCaprio knows that sometimes you need a little more than 140 characters, so he is devoting his Facebook page to the protection of whales, orcas, seals, and penguins. The actor asked for support for the Antarctic Ocean Alliance, which aims to create "the world's largest network of marine protected areas."
Pamela Anderson is ready to take her advocacy for horses face to face: She invited New York City Council Speaker Christine Quinn on a date! Pam is set to host a gala that will benefit the campaign to replace horse-drawn carriages with eco-friendly replicas of classic cars, and she thinks that if Quinn attends, the speaker will reconsider her support of the horse-drawn carriage industry.
To keep up with what your favorite stars are doing for animals, follow @PETA on Twitter


So qualvoll leiden Hummer bei METRO!

Stand: Oktober 2012
PETA Deutschland filmte im August 2012 die Hummerhaltung in verschiedenen METRO-Filialen und konnte Folgendes dokumentieren:
  • Die Hummer sind gefesselt. Ihre Scheren werden mit Gummibändern zusammengebunden.
  • Die Hummer sind übereinandergestapelt, dabei sind Hummer Einzelgänger.
  • Die Hummer sitzen in völlig kahlen Becken. Im Meer leben Hummer meist in Höhlen oder auf Felsengrund.
  • Nachdem sie in Kanada gefangen wurden, bekommen sie nichts mehr zu essen. Wie viele Tage oder gar Wochen ist das her? Auch Hummer haben Hunger!
  • Sie sind grellem Neonlicht ausgesetzt, mindestens 12 Stunden am Tag. Im Meer leben sie quasi in permanenter Dunkelheit.
Gefesselter Hummer bei METRO © PETA
Gefesselter Hummer bei METRO © PETA
Was sagt das Gesetz?
Das Gesetz schreibt vor, dass alle Tiere ihren Bedürfnissen entsprechend gehalten werden müssen. Im Klartext: Sie brauchen Nahrung und dürfen nicht gefesselt werden!
Dies gilt auch für wirbellose Tiere. Es ist ein klarer Gesetzesverstoß. Der METRO-Konzern in Österreich wurde aus diesem Grund zu einer Strafe verurteilt und stellte daraufhin Haltung und Verkauf lebender Hummer ein!

Unser Ziel:
METRO Deutschland soll die Haltung und den Verkauf von lebenden und toten Hummern einstellen.

Was Sie tun können:

  • Beteiligen Sie sich an unserer Online-Petition am Ende dieser Seite.
  • Beschweren Sie sich bei METRO, mit einem Brief oder einer E-Mail.
  • Kaufen Sie nicht mehr bei METRO ein und informieren Sie Freunde und Familienangehörige.
  • Posten Sie eine Nachricht hier: www.facebook.com/metro.deutschland
  • Informieren Sie das zuständige Veterinäramt in Ihrer Stadt.
  • Bestellen Sie unsere neuen Hummer-Aufkleber und bekleben Sie damit „auf gar keinen Fall“ METRO-Produkte.
  • Bitte sprechen Sie sich bei jeder Gelegenheit gegen das Kochen von Hummern aus. Sehen Sie hier unser Video, wie ein Hummer lebend in kochendes Wasser geworfen wird und nach qualvollen 2,5 Minuten immer noch lebt.
Vielen Dank, dass Sie sich für Hummer einsetzen! Denn nur mit Ihrer Hilfe können wir den Hummern helfen!

Keine lebenden Hummer mehr bei METRO!

Die METRO Cash & Carry AG verkauft in all ihren 56 Filialen bundesweit noch immer lebende Hummer, die in kahlen Becken übereinandergestapelt, gefesselt und ohne Nahrung dahin vegetieren. Das KaDeWe in Berlin hat bereits die Haltung lebender Hummer eingestellt, ebenso wie METRO Österreich! Behörden und Veterinärämter erarbeiten gerade neue Haltungsrichtlinien und die Bundesregierung erwägt das Kochverbot für Krebstiere! Appellieren Sie an den Vorsitzenden der Geschäftsführung, Dominique Minnaert, und fordern Sie ihn auf, die Haltung und den Verkauf lebender Hummer aufzugeben. Laut der Europäischen Behörde für Lebensmittelsicherheit (EFSA) können Hummer Schmerz empfinden und verdienen Schutz. In Österreich wurde genau dieselbe Hummerhaltung bei METRO übrigens verboten!

Richten Sie Ihren Protest an

METRO Cash & Carry
Dominique Minnaert, Vorsitzender der Geschäftsführung

Derzeitige Erfolgsstatistik

Seitenaufrufe bisher: 41234
Versendete Protest-Mails: 10146
Versendete Einladungen: 262

Zum plötzlichen Tod von Dirk Bach

Ein Nachruf
Stand: 1. Oktober 2012
Mit Schock und Trauer gedenken wir dem Schauspieler, Moderator und Komiker Dirk Bach.

Der Tierfreund war PETA-Unterstützer der ersten Stunde: Er posierte bereits
vor rund 15 Jahren gegen Pelze, damals noch gemeinsam mit der „Lukas
Familie“. Darauf folgten zahlreiche weitere Fotomotive, zuletzt im Frühjahr
2012 gegen die Hundetötungen in der Ukraine.

Dirk war immer offen für PETAs Ideen und Kampagnen, neben der Umsetzung von Fotomotiven beteiligte er sich an Protestbriefen, entwickelte eigene vegetarische Rezepte oder moderierte PETA-Veranstaltungen.

In vielen Gesprächen brachte Dirk immer wieder seinen Ärger über Tierleid zum Ausdruck und zeigte vor allem eines: ein sehr großes Herz.

Sein Humor, seine Zuverlässigkeit und seine Fröhlichkeit haben es immer zu einer großen Freude gemacht, mit ihm Projekte zu realisieren.

Wir werden den Tierfreund sehr vermissen und Gedenken mit Respekt an einen großartigen Menschen.

Win It! PETA's 'The Compassionate Cook'

Win It! PETA's 'The Compassionate Cook'

Written by Michelle Kretzer
Chick-fil-A's so-called "Cow Appreciation Day" involved giving chicken flesh to people who dressed up as cows. We think cows (and chickens) deserve better than that, so here's our new and improved Cow Appreciation Day. We're giving away The Compassionate Cook, our back-by-popular-demand, original vegan cookbook, featuring more than 225 recipes in which no cows, chickens, or any other animals were harmed. Just take the quiz below to learn whyintelligent, sensitive cows aren't milk machines and then enter for your chance to win:
1. Just like people, cows are known to ________ when a loved one dies or is separated from them. 
2. True or False: Cows' sense of smell is even stronger in some ways than that of most dogs—they can detect scents up to 5 miles away.
3. This picture is of: 
A) a pipe cutter
B) one of the torture devices used in the Saw films
C) a guillotine dehorner, used by dairy farmers to chop off cows' sensitive horns
D) a Halloween haunted house prop
4. In nature, cows may nurse their calves for up to _____ years.
5.  After years of being kept almost constantly, forcibly pregnant and having their beloved babies repeatedly taken away from them so that their milk can be sold instead, when cows' milk production wanes, they are: 
A) put out to pasture on the farm to live out their days
B) retired to a sanctuary
C) feted with cake and alfalfa-flavored ice cream
D) sent to slaughter 
6. True or False: A Holstein's spots are like a fingerprint—no two cows' spots are exactly the same.
7. Guys, get ready to squirm: Male calves who are taken from their mothers are usually _______ without so much as an aspirin.
8. True or False: Like people, cows communicate with each other using different vocal sounds, body positions, and subtle facial expressions.
9. A dairy industry study reports that by the time they are killed, nearly _____ percent of cows are lame because of the intensive confinement to the concrete floors of milking barns, the strain of being kept almost constantly pregnant, and being made to stand ankle-deep in their own dung.
A) 10
B) 20
C) 30
D) 40
10.  True or False: Bovines love a good brain teaser, such as figuring out how to open a gate's latch to let themselves out, and they get so excited that some even kick up their heels when they figure out the solution. 
Check out the answer key below to see how you did, and then repost some of these interesting cow facts to show your friends why it's sour to steal cows' milk.
To enter to win The Compassionate Cook, just leave a comment telling us how you did on the quiz. A winner will be chosen at random. (Your score on the quiz does not affect your chances of winning.)
The contest will end on October 25, 2012, and we'll contact the winner by October 29, 2012. By commenting here, you're acknowledging that you've read and you agree to our contest terms and conditions and our privacy policy and you're also agreeing to our collection, storage, use, and disclosure of your personal info in accordance with those policies as well as to receiving e-mails from us. 
Answers: 1) shed tears 2) True 3) C 4) three 5) D 6) True 7) castrated 8) True 9) D 10) True

Photo: Timid Dog Finds Her Feet

Written by Jeff Mackey
When PETA India Science Policy Adviser Dr. Chaitanya Koduri and his wife, Vidya, found Laila, she was a terrified puppy alone on the streets of Mumbai. But after the couple welcomed her into their home, giving her the care and affection that every dog deserves, Laila blossomed into, as Dr. Koduri describes, "this beautiful, naughty girl who will never get tired of playing. She needs to put her nose into anything and everything."
As you can see, Laila—showing her paws decorated with golden turmeric—gladly joined in the family festivities on Ganesha Chaturthi, which celebrates the birthday of Lord Ganesha, the Hindu deity with the head of an elephant
What You Can Do
As Laila's story shows, people who offer homes to animals in need not only save those animals' lives but also fill their own homes and hearts with boundless love. Please never buy from breeders or pet shops—always adopt

köpek ırk listesi


Afghan Hound

Ainu Dog

Airedale Terrier


Akita Inu

Alabay (Alabai)

Alaskan Malamute

American Bulldog

American Cocker Spaniel

American Eskimo

American Foxhound

American Hairless Terrier

American Indian Dog

American PittBull Terrier

American Staffordshire Terrier

American Water Spaniel

Australian Cattle Dog

Australian Kelpie

Australian Shepherd Dog

Australian Terrier

Bandogge Mastif


Basset Hound


Bearded Collie


Bedlington Terrier

Belgian Groenendael

Belgian Laekenois

Belgian Malinois

Belgian Tervuren

Berger De Picard

Bernese Mountain Dog

Bichon Frise

Bichon Yorkie

Black Russian Terrier

Black Tan Coonhound


Border Collie


Boston Terrier




Brussels Griffon

Bull Terrier


Cairn Terrier

Canaan Dog

Canary Dog

Cane Corso Italiano

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Cesky Terrier

Chesapeake Bay Retriever


Chow Chow

Clumber Spaniel


Curly Coated Retriever



Dandie Dinmont Terrier

Doberman Pinscher

Dogo Argentino

English Bulldog

English Cocker Spaniel

English Foxhound

English Pointer

English Setter

English Springer Spaniel

Field Spaniel

Finnish Spitz

Flat Coated Retriever

French Bulldog

German Shepherd Dog

German Shorthaired Pointer

German Wirehaired Pointer

Golden Retriever

Gordon Setter

Great Dane

Great Pyrenees

Greater Swiss Mountain Dog



Ibizan Hound

Irish Setter

Irish Terrier

Irish Water Spaniel

Irish Wolfhound

Italian Greyhound

Jack Russell Terrier

Japanese Spaniel



King Charles Spaniel



Labrador Retriever

Lagotto Romagnolo

Lakeland Terrier


Lhasa Apso


Malta Terrieri

Manchester Terrier


Miniature Bull Terrier

Miniature Pinscher

Napoliten Mastiff


Norfolk Terrier

Norwegian Elkhound

Norwich Terrier

Old English Sheepdog




Poodle - Miniature

Poodle - Standart

Poodle - Toy

Portugese Water Dog


Rhodesian Ridgeback


Russian Spaniel

Saint Bernard



Schnauzer - Giant

Schnauzer - Miniature

Schnauzer - Standart

Scottish Deerhound

Scottish Terrier

Sealyham Terrier

Shar Pei

Shetland Sheepdog

Shiba Inu

Shih Tzu

Siberian Husky

Silky Terrier

Skye Terrier

Smooth Fox Terrier

Spanish Mastiff

Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Sussex Spaniel

Tibetan Spaniel

Tibetan Terrier

Toy Fox Terrier

Victorian Bulldog



Welsh Corgi - Cardigan

Welsh Corgi - Pembroke

Welsh Springer Spaniel

Welsh Terrier

West Highland White Terrier


Wirehaired Fox Terrier

Yorkshire Terrier

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